Glossary of Student Cities

Our SU Online students come from all over the world.  Let's build a glossary about the amazing cities that you are all from! 

Add an entry to this glossary for your city.  It can be the city you grew up in, the city you currently reside, or your favorite city.  Please follow these directions:

  • Concept: Your concept should be titled "City, Country" or "City, State, Country."  For example: Paris, France or Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Description: Describe your city in a few sentences.  Is your city large or small?  Located on the water or high up in the mountains?  What is your city known for?  Why do you love this city?  Add a photo of your city to your description.
  • Keyword(s): Add the state and country to the keywords so that others can search entries by state and country.
  • Attachment (optional): Add a word document with additional information about your city. 

Look at the Chicago, Illinois, USA entry by Molly Kelsen (test student) for an example.


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Picture of Jessica Iparraguirre

Lafayette, Louisiana, USA

by Jessica Iparraguirre - Monday, January 9, 2023, 9:26 AM

Lafayette, Louisiana is a beautiful city that is very family oriented. With festivals, local art walks, cajun cuisine, and live Cajun music it is an exciting place to live in. the people are down to earth and friendly. They know how to make everyone feel at home.

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