Glossary of Ascended Master Terms

This is a sample glossary of Ascended Master Terms.  Take some time to look through the entries and try searching for some too.

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Saint Germain

Saint Germain
The Ascended Master. Chohan (Lord) of the Seventh Ray of Freedom, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age, sponsor of the United States of America; initiator of souls in the science and ritual of alchemy and transmutation through the violet flame by the power of the spoken Word, meditation and visualization. His retreat in North America is the Cave of Symbols at Table Mountain, Wyoming. He also uses the Royal Teton Retreat at the Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Seven Rays

The Light emanations of the Godhead; the seven rays of the white Light that emerges through the prism of the Christ consciousness.


The soul is the living potential of God, projected from the I AM Presence into physical manifestation. The soul is not immortal but can attain immortality through fusion with the Holy Christ Self and the I AM Presence in the ritual of the ascension. Since the soul is the feminine counterpart of the Spirit (the masculine polarity) we refer to it as "she" regardless of whether it concerns the soul of a man or a woman.