Glossary of Ascended Master Terms

This is a sample glossary of Ascended Master Terms.  Take some time to look through the entries and try searching for some too.

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Goddess of Liberty

Goddess of Liberty
The Asended Lady Master who holds the God consciousness of liberty for the earth. The Goddess of Liberty (so named for her complete and whole-hearted identification with God's flame of liberty, her God consciousness of liberty) is the Spokesman for the Karmic Board and represents the Second Ray (Yellow Ray) on the board.  While embodied on Atlantis, she erected the Temple of the Sun where Manhattan Island now is. With the sinking of Atlantis the physical temple was destroyed, but the etheric counterpart remains on the etheric plane, where she continues to focus the flame of liberty.

Goddess of Wisdom

A cosmic being known also as Theosophia, who served in the Temple of Illumination on Atlantis. She is a being of great attainment in focusing the feminine aspect of the wisdom ray.  She served in the Temple of Illumination on Atlantis and later  embodied as Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha and Lazarus during the time of Jesus. In her final embodiment as Mary Baker Eddy (1821–1910), she was commissioned by Jesus the Christ, the ascended master Hilarion (the apostle Paul) and Mother mary to set forth certain revelations on the science of the immaculate concept, which she published in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings and lectures collected under the heading of Prose Works.

Great Central Sun

Great Central Sun
The Great Central Sun, also called the Great Hub, is the center of cosmos; the point of integration of the Spirit/Matter cosmos; the point of origin of the physical/spiritual creation; the nucleus, or white fire core, of the Cosmic Egg. (The God Star Sirius is the focus of the Great Central Sun in our sector of the galaxy.) The Sun behind the sun is the spiritual Cause behind the physical effect we see in our own physical sun and all other stars and star systems, seen and unseen, including the Great Central Sun.

Great White Brotherhood

A spiritual order of Western saints and Eastern adepts who have reunited with the Spirit of the living God and who comprise the heavenly hosts. They have transcended the cycles of karma and rebirth and ascended (accelerated) into that higher reality which is the eternal abode of the soul. The Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood, united for the highest purposes of the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God, have risen in every age from every culture and religion to inspire creative achievement in education, the arts and sciences, God-government and the abundant Life through the economies of the nations. The word "white" refers not to reace but to the aura (halo) of white light surrounding their forms. Jesus Christ revealed this heavenly order of the saints "robed in white" to his servant John in Revelation.