This unit concludes with four short audio excerpts from a dictation by Archangel Raphael given at the Healing Power of Angels conference through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. This dictation is entitled, "The Reestablishment of the Electromagnetic Field of the Aura: The Day of the Coming of the Lord's Healing Angel, Karma, and the Path."

(Note: If this is the first time you have heard a dictation, before beginning these excerpts, please review the teaching "What is a Dication?" listed at the beginning of this course under the section: "Important Foundation Material.")

Archangel RaphaelPlease take a meditative posture and center in your heart. Visualize the beautiful presence of Archangel Raphael as you listen to his words on these enlightening topics.

In this first dictation excerpt, Archangel Raphael speaks about the healing thoughtform and about angels of light with the power of master surgeons.

Audio Dictation Excerpt: Archangel Raphael, "The Reestablishment of the Electromagnetic Field of the Aura" Excerpt 1 [2:55 minutes]


In this next excerpt, Archangel Raphael teaches about karma and it’s role in healing. He tells you to balance your karma while you are able to serve and hold light in your body temple.

Audio Dictation Excerpt: Archangel Raphael, "The Reestablishment of the Electromagnetic Field of the Aura" Excerpt 2 [2:47 minutes]


In excerpt 3, Raphael anchors a giant healing thoughtform in the upper atmosphere that you can access by giving Mother Mary’s Rosary or Archangel Michael’s Rosary. (You can purchase these rosaries through the TSL Online Bookstore by clicking the following links: Mother Mary's Rosary, Archangel Michael's Rosary.)

Audio Dictation Excerpt: Archangel Raphael, "The Reestablishment of the Electromagnetic Field of the Aura" Excerpt 3 [0:31 minutes]


In this last excerpt, Raphael speaks about using the power of the Immaculate Concept and tells you to write down your most important physical goal that will lead you to your most important spiritual goal in life.

Audio Dictation Excerpt: Archangel Raphael, "The Reestablishment of the Electromagnetic Field of the Aura" Excerpt 4 [3:28 minutes]

Heart of the Inner Retreat

The community Raphael speaks about in this excerpt is the community of lightbearers worldwide and specifically the community of devotees of the ascended masters living at the Inner Retreat in Corwin Springs, Montana, and in the surrounding area.

Last modified: Tuesday, January 21, 2020, 4:07 PM