1.6 Practice Visualizing and Using the Healing Thoughtform

If you find it difficult to visualize through your third-eye chakra use the following tip from the masters:

Practice visualization by looking at your favorite representation of Raphael and Mother Mary (or any Master or angel you prefer); then close your eyes and visualize every detail of that picture. Then, open your eyes again to see what you have missed and what you have remembered. Thus, begin to memorize the details and the fine lines of manifestation. As you visualize, these then become the grid of light over you that is filled in by the Electronic Presence of Mother Mary.

Hold Your Hands Over the Picture of the Healing Thoughtform

The ascended master El Morya told us in a dictation how to use your hands to amplify the healing thoughtform and send it to others. In order for this alchemy of healing to work, you must first give the healing thoughtform picture to the person who needs healing. (You can obtain a wallet size picture of the healing thoughtform through the TSL Online Bookstore by clicking here.) Following is what the ascended master Morya said:

When you are praying for others, and as you decree, place your hands upon the picture of the Healing Thoughtform so that the power of your heart will literally charge the picture with a tremendous power that will then be transferred to everyone…who also has the picture.

The Healing Thoughtform—The Perfect Picture of the Divine Design

Following is the decree by Archangel Raphael entitled, "The Healing Thoughtform—The Perfect Picture of the Divine Design."

Using the teaching you have just received, give the "Healing Thoughtform" decree with Summit University students lead by the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. You will find the words to this decree below:

Audio Decree: "The Healing Thoughtform—The Perfect Picture of the Divine Design" [2:31 minutes]

"The Healing Thoughtform—The Perfect Picture of the Divine Design" by Archangel Raphael Healing Thoughtform

Beloved God Presence of me, take command of my four lower bodies and of my being and world. Create and sustain in me a perfect picture of the divine design so wonderfully and fearfully created. See that this action of thy divine eye-picture of my being is established in the forcefield of my whole being and maketh me whole both now and forever.

See that this mighty focus is expanded without limit, establishing forever the patterns of the divine design in the temple immaculate which I AM. Conceive in me anew a clean heart and work in me the fullness of a right mind in action which shall remove all distortions in my flesh form and mental body, bringing about and establishing the wondrous purity of God as it descends, bearing the great power of the bells of freedom which shall ring then in my soul, saying:

I spell an end to the death knell of human creation which would give power to disease and the wrong use of substance and Light's energy! And I call forth and I invoke and I AM the fullness of the infinite Immanuel–God with me and within me, God established there, God in all his purity, God that is the Manchild that taketh dominion here and now in my being and world and is the fullness of my immortal perfection, conferring upon me the eternal vestments of God which shall be without end, in accordance with the jewel like perfect design, the holy symmetry of the ageless perfection of my being.

All this I AM! All this I ever shall be. And all this shall manifest in all and be all. For God alone is in his holy temple, and all of the world and its discordant voices shall keep silent before the perfection of my being until the dominion of God is given to the whole earth.

The earth which I am is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof. The earthen vessel which I am shall now become the refined gold of the Holy Spirit. The radiant power of that Spirit shall stream forth from my heart's light and kindle around me the aura of the Infinite One—until circling me now is the angelic power of light and the magnetization of light and the magnification of light and the extenuation of light and the attenuation of light over the entire planetary body.

Last modified: Monday, March 30, 2015, 4:03 PM