
"Relationships: Explore the Mysteries of Soul Mates and Twin Flames—How to Find Your Perfect Partner" is an inspiring SU online extension course that explores the spiritual dimensions of love and relationships. The following information will be helpful as you study this free unit from the extension course.

Supplementary Pocket Guide: Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships by Elizabeth Clare Prophet contains valuable practical insights and spiritual tools to help you magnetize your perfect partner. You will want to have your personal copy of this little book as it contains a synopsis of the material in this course and includes insightful analysis of real-life experiences and classical love stories.

Pocket Guide: Soul Mates and Twin Flames

Extension Course Goals

Goal 1: To understand the spiritual dimensions of love and relationships and how this relates to your quest for wholeness.

Goal 2: To discover the difference between soul mates, twin flames and karmic relationships and understand why you attract certain relationships into your life.

Goal 3: To learn practical spiritual techniques to heal yourself from self-defeating relationships and to attract positive ones.

Interactive Course Format

SU online courses are offered through Moodle, an online learning environment.This free unit contains key concepts, multimedia clips, spiritual exercises, journaling and discussion questions to help assimilate the material presented.

Course Facilitator

The bulk of this unit consists of original material presented by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Summit University instructor Susan Kulp is facilitator. Susan is available to answer course-related questions and to receive comments from participants. You may email her at SKulp@SummitUniversity.org. Click here to read Susan's bio.

Technical Support

The facilitator will not answer your technical questions. SU Tech Support is available to help you with any problems that you may encounter in this unit.  If you need technical support, please go to the SU Tech Support Website: http://summituniversity.org/techsupport  


As you study this unit, you may come across terms that are unfamiliar. For this reason, we have included a glossary of ascended master terms for your convenience.

Supplemental Resources

You may want to explore the following resources for further study to supplement relationship topics.

Click on the links below to purchase these materials from the SU Online Bookstore.

Click the links below to purchase these materials from the TSL Online Bookstore.

Last modified: Thursday, September 15, 2016, 5:59 PM