Our GIFT to you!

In this unit you’ve been introduced to Mark Prophet and cosmic law—those universal principles and laws that govern every aspect of your life, do you want to study more teachings from the ascended masters on cosmic law and practice more of their spiritual techniques? To view the Ten Commandments as cosmic law and learn to hear your conscious as the voice of God? To understand the karmic reasons for the flood of Noah or discover the missing link in Darwin’s theory of evolution?

The complete extension course, "The Magic Power of Cosmic Law," can help you do all that and so much more (see Course Topics here). Register now and get 10 percent off!  Simply use discount code META0401MORE16 when you register for this course at the SU Online Store.

And there are more courses to choose from! Take a journey to the victorious life, meet an ascended master, learn keys for successful relationships, discover true inner healing or how to achieve life's ultimate purpose. See all of our Extension Courses.

Last modified: Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 4:24 PM