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Keepers of the Flame® Fraternity
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KundaliniThe Kundalini is the sacred fire that lies as the coiled serpent in the base-of-the-spine chakra and rises through spiritual purity and self-mastery to the crown chakra, quickening the spiritual centers on the way. "Our God is a consuming fire" (Heb. 12:29). The sacred fire is the precipitation of the Holy Ghost for the baptism of souls, for purification, for alchemy and transmutation, and for the realization of the ascension, the sacred ritual whereby the soul returns to the One. | |
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LightSpiritual light is the energy of God, the potential of the Christ. As the personification of Spirit, the term “Light” can be used synonymously with the terms “God” and “Christ.” As the essence of the Spirit it is synonymous with “sacred fire.” It is the emanation of the Great Central Sun and the individualized I AM Presence—the source of all life. | ||
LORD’s Judgment by the Ruby RayA ruby ray decree given by Archangels Chamuel and Charity through their Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. A very specific judgment of the specific fallen ones at inner levels on the astral plane or in embodiment. | |
Lords of KarmaThe ascended beings who comprise the Karmic Board. They dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy, and judgment on behalf of every lifestream. All souls must pass before the Karmic Board before and after each incarnation on earth, receiving their assignment and karmic allotment for each lifetime beforehand and the review of their performance at its conclusion. | |
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Mantle of the MessengerA mantle is a cloak of light, a grid or a forcefield of light worn by one who is sponsored by the Great White Brotherhood or by an Ascended Master. Worn at inner levels, the mantle contains within it specific fohatic keys that are anchored in the wearer’s four lower bodies. These keys are a formula or quality of light—hieroglyphs of the Spirit— cosmic computers in capsule form. They have also been described as geometric hieroglyphs or engrams that are encoded formulas of light. This mantle protects the messengers as well as assists them to fulfill their office. | |
MantraA mystical formula or invocation; a word or formula, often in Sanskrit, to be recited or sung for the purpose of intensifying the action of the Spirit of God in man. A form of prayer consisting of a word or a group of words that is chanted over and over again to magnetize a particular aspect of the Deity or of a being who has actualized that aspect of the Deity. | |
Mark L. Prophet
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