Glossary of Ascended Master Terms

This is a sample glossary of Ascended Master Terms.  Take some time to look through the entries and try searching for some too.

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Paul The Venetian

Paul the Venetian
An ascended master. Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. He is hierarch of the Chateau de Liberte, his retreat is on the etheric plane over southern France on the Rhone River. Paul sponsors the ascended master culture for this age and works with all who desire to bring that culture forthon on behalf of mankind. The culture of the ascended masters is the keystone in the pyramid of the golden age; for they have said that it is through culture that mankind will respond to spiritual truths and the teachings of the ascended masters.

Pink Ray

Third ray of the Love of God. It's qualities are compassion, charity, desire to be God in action through the love of the Holy Spirit. It relates to the heart chakra.