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(Sanskrit, meaning act, action, word or deed.) The consequences of one’s thoughts, words and deeds of this life and previous lives; the law of cause and effect, which decrees that whatever we do comes full circle to our doorstep for resolution. The law of karma necessitates the soul’s reincarnation so that she can pay the debt for, or “balance,” her misuses of God’s light, energy and consciousness.

Karmic Board

Lords of Karma. An eight member board of ascended beings who dispense justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every lifestream. All souls must pass before the Karmic Board before and after each incarnation on earth, receiving their assignment and karmic allotment for each lifetime beforehand and the review of their performance at its conclusion.

Keepers of the Flame® Fraternity

Keepers of the Flame Fraternity
Founded in 1961 by Saint Germain, an organization of ascended masters and their chelas who vow to keep the flame of life on earth and support the activities of the Great White Brotherhood in the establishment of their community and Mystery School and in the dissemination of their teachings. Keepers of the Flame receive graded lessons in cosmic law dictated by the ascended masters and their Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Prophet.


The Kundalini is the sacred fire that lies as the coiled serpent in the base-of-the-spine chakra and rises through spiritual purity and self-mastery to the crown chakra, quickening the spiritual centers on the way. "Our God is a consuming fire" (Heb. 12:29). The sacred fire is the precipitation of the Holy Ghost for the baptism of souls, for purification, for alchemy and transmutation, and for the realization of the ascension, the sacred ritual whereby the soul returns to the One.


Ascended Master Kuthumi, formerly Chohan of the second ray of wisdom, now serves with Jesus in the office of World Teacher. He is hierarch of the Temple of Illumination in Kashmir and is the head master of the Brothers of the Golden Robe. He trains students who are on the ray of wisdom in the art of meditation and the Science of the Spoken Word in order that they may become master psychologists of their own psyche, or soul.