Picture of Penelope Price

Emigrant, Mt. USA

by Penelope Price - Wednesday, November 25, 2020, 9:25 PM

Emigrant is located halfway between Livingston, Mt. and the Gardiner entrance to Yellowstone, National Park.  It is a small town with one store, one gas station, a saloon, a bank, a post office, a gift store, a laundromat and a few restaurants.  Although it might at first appear insignificant, because of its location on highway 89  people traveling to Yellowstone Park stop on their way.   There are flashing orange lights alerting travelers to slow down as they approach Emigrant. To the left is the store and theYellowstone River  and to the right is the post office and bank and Story Road leading up to the residential community of North Glastonbury.  I love to come home and see Emigrant peak towering behind the town,  and  although it is small, we have everything we need and it peaceful.

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