Sunday, April 28, 2024, 1:48 PM
Site: Summit University Online
Course: RELS 0301 – Relationships: Soul Mates, Twin Flames and You FREE UNIT (RELS 0301 FREE UNIT)
Glossary: Glossary

Twin flames

Every soul has her divine counterpart or twin flame.  Each set of twin flames is created out of a white fire body in the heart of the Great Central Sun.  The white fire body divides into two identical spheres, each consisting of an I AM Presence surrounded by a causal body.  The I AM Presence of each one then sends forth the soul of a twin flame.  For the purposes of the incarnation and evolution of twin flames, the two souls are in polarity to each other, one representing the masculine and the other the feminine half of the Divine Whole.  These polarities may alternate in succeeding incarnations.  Twin flames share a unique electronic blueprint and a unique cosmic destiny.  They reunite permanently when both souls have made their ascension.


Violet flame

Seventh ray aspect of the Holy Spirit. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit known to mystics throughout the ages but introduced at large by Saint Germain early in the 20th century. A spiritual fire that can change inharmonious thought and feeling—stress, anger, depression—into a positive and centered disposition. When we give violet flame mantras they cleanse our system of emotional and physical poisons, transmute karma and erase the cause behind the effect of disease. The violet flame even clears the distressing records of past lives.


White-fire core

White-fire Core
The center of God's being. The nucleus of life, the core of being, in any kind of manifestation, from the highest planes of consciousness to the humblest atom. It is the fiery center of our I AM Presence as well as of the chakras and the rays. It is the Source, the point of our origination.