Saturday, May 18, 2024, 12:35 PM
Site: Summit University Online
Course: Moodle Sandbox (Moodle Sandbox)
Glossary: Glossary of Ascended Master Terms

I AM Presence

The I AM THAT I AM (Exod. 3:13–15); the individualized Presence of God focused for each individual soul. The God-idenity of the individual; the Divine Monad; the individual Source. The origin of the soul focused in the planes of Spirit just above the physical form; the personification of the God flame for the individual.

Immaculate Concept

The pure concept or image of the soul held in the Mind of God; any pure thought held by one part of life for and on behalf of another part of life. The ability to hold the image of a perfect pattern to be precipitated, to see the vision of a project complete, to draw a mental picture, to retain it and to fill it with light and love and joy.