Hello all,
In our pearl study today on Djwal Kuls' dictation, attention has been brought onto the four lower bodies. See below an insert compiled from Lanellos' dictation on the clearing of the etheric body. We have been using it in our prayer services in Australia and have found it helpful, praise God!
My suggestion would be to read the pearl it was compiled from first, as you'll receive Lanello's lesson on the importance on doing this prayer work.
For anyone charting their cosmic clock this is an incredible tool to serve you.
Insert to Clear the Etheric Body
In the name I AM THAT I AM, in the name Brahman, Sanat Kumara, take command of all negative karma at every level of my being and clear all that is not a part of the perfection of God in my etheric body.
In the name of the Christ, in the name of Almighty God, I call to the Great Divine Director and the seven archangels to clear all opposition to the flame of God Power, to clear all perversions of criticism, condemnation, and judgment, to clear all black magic and all that is not of the light within the 12 o’clock line of my electronic belt, etheric body, and crown chakra.
Beloved Mighty Astrea, lock your cosmic circle and sword in through and around: all malice, sickness, disease, disintegration and death and all returning karma from the black arrows of the mind sent forth almost unconsciously from the critical carnal mind.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence! I call for the sealing of the twelve o’clock line and my crown chakra with the fullness of the blue-ray will of God.
In the name of the Christ, in the name of Almighty God, I call to the Beloved Saint Germain and the Angelic Hosts of Light to clear all opposition to the flame of God Love, to clear all perversions of hatred, mild dislike, and all witchcraft and all that is not of the light within the one o’clock line of my electronic belt, etheric body, and seat-of-the-soul chakra.
Beloved Mighty Astrea, cut my soul and seat-of-the-soul chakra free from death and hell and all ties to the astral plane through the misuse of the sacred fire and from death and hell and all ties to the astral plane in the etheric body.
I call for my soul to be rid of all self-hatred, mild dislike, and self– disapproval. Let the soul’s desire become the desire to be the bride of Christ, to be the bride of Saint Germain, Hierarch of Aquarius, and to be the bride of the Mighty I AM Presence.
Let this love for Saint Germain fill the one o’clock line and carry through to the four o’clock line, seven o’clock line and ten o’clock line. Deliver me from the oppressions, depressions, and the self-addictions that lead to the annihilation of self.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence! I call for the sealing of the one o'clock line, the seat-of-the-soul chakra and the soul with the fullness of God Love.
In the name of the Christ, in the name of Almighty God, I call to Beloved Jesus and the great hosts of the Ascended Masters to clear all opposition to the flame of God Mastery, to clear all perversions of doubt and fear, human questioning and records of death, to clear all etheric illusion and hypnosis and all that is not of the light within the 2 o’clock line of my electronic belt, my etheric body, and my solar plexus chakra.
Beloved Mighty Astrea, cut my solar plexus free from all negative karma, all animal forms and animal magnetism, and all points of consciousness of the anti-self that are amalgamated within the subconscious.
Beloved Ray of Light, I invite you to enter my temple now and blaze fearlessness flame through my etheric body until fearlessness flame is all I know.
Beloved Mighty I AM Presence! I call for the sealing of the two o’clock line and my solar plexus chakra with the fullness of God Mastery.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out of my etheric body, electronic belt and the earth: all entities, demons, discarnates, and discarnate entities, all creatures of the UFO creation that have invaded my subconscious, the beasts and fallen ones, fallen angels and their subtleties beneath the surface of consciousness and all seeds of evil planted in my subconscious.
Beloved Mighty Astrea, clear all that is not of the light, cause, effect, record and memory. Clear all records of death and all seeds of evil planted in my subconscious.
Restore my etheric body to the point of its original divinity where it is so clear that my etheric body mirrors the warmth and love of my Mighty I AM Presence. Let the sacred fire fill the crown chakra with the Presence of the Father, the presence of the Buddha, so that I may become a solar magnet of the Great Central Sun, blessing the soul and the four lower bodies.
Let my etheric body become an envelope for the soul, giving her a clear tunnel and passageway to the octaves of light, so that my soul may become one with the Deathless Solar Body. Let my etheric body begin to vibrate at the same frequency as the etheric octave where the etheric cities, retreats of light and a golden age are already in place.
Let this call be executed by the legions of light in accordance with God’s will. Sanat Kumara, not my will but thine be done! Amen!
Here is the direct link to Lanellos Ascension Day Address on this topic
The Light of God Never Fails!
Always Victory!
David Cap